When exressing your creativity is free,
why should gas and transaction fee stop you?

CrazyNFT is the first NFT marketplace, which allows you to create and mint NFTs for free.
Built with love, from India, on Polygon
Create NFTs for free
One click, no fee or gas, just create your NFTs and later give us a part from the profit you make
Earn CRZY Tokens!
For every successful Sale/Purchase or Premium listing, get CRZY tokens airdropped into your wallet
Get your own marketplace!
Create your own collectibles section, and make your arts globally recognized

How to create a NFT on CrazyNFT?

1. Connect your wallet
Use Metamask to connect to the app
2. Create your NFT
Upload your NFTs and set the price Accordingly
3. Start earning CRZY and MATIC
Earn CRZY and MATIC for all your NFTs that you sell

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